Wednesday, November 07, 2007

How has mankind lasted this long? We have proven ignorant enough to believe the most outlandish propositions; such as, the sun revolves around the earth, sex has nothing to do with birth, the meek shall inherit the earth, gods exist, and chiropractors can improve our overall health. And all this as so-called rational beings. But this is not the worst of it. We are consensually dictated to by unqualified strong men, many drugged, drunk, or half crazy. Not only are we ruled by such people. We have those just like them tending to our medical, dental, legal, engineering, and accounting needs. For spiritual needs, we turn to sexual deviates. Isn't this all enough to inspire a mass suicide. Apparently not, since we are still here and these curses seem to be in a roughly steady state.

There is one flaw though that is not in a steady st ate and combined with the above propensity for stupidity should shortly prove fatal. That flaw is our need to fight, evolving into a need for bigger and bigger wars. And the bitter thing is that there will be no one on this planet left to say, they did it to themselves.

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