Saturday, September 29, 2007


See that girl coming out of the movie with a cell phone on her ear? What do you suppose she might be doing if she had no cell phone? Possible she and people like her would be musing; thai is, pondering or in deep thought. And that would be good. But one does not ponder well while talking on a cell phone. Hence, the world is being denied billions of hours of musings by the ubiquitous cell phone. That is not good. Einstein is said to have been a prolific muser. And many examples of genius such as songs and plays have been written in one's head while musing. Lyrics to Midnight Sun were written that way on a drive in a California desert. If Shakespeare had had a cell phone we may not have heard of Hamlet.

Of course, you might say these people dashing around or lolling in public while talking on their cell phones are brainstorming, a very popular way of "creating" in this day and age. But I have heard many of these "conversation" from one end and that does not seem to be the rule.

It is hard to see how to stop this plague, this ongoing idea dearth, but we may at least be able to plan for coping with the dire results. That is, if we can find time off from our cell phones to muse on it.

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