Thursday, December 03, 2009

I support President Obama.  I find it hard to take those who voted for him and are now second guessing him at every turn.   I detect a paternalism afoot here among many members of the liberal media.

On Afghanistan, I take Obama at his word when he says the escalation in the war is to defend us from radical Islamists of the type who have already attacked us and our allies numerous times around the world.  He has the facts and he has the character to act on those facts.  Few if any of us has such an overall picture.  I believe  strict pacifist have every right to protest just as they did before and during World War II (see Alex Comfort).  But when protester simply drag out lame rebuttals to the President, as many have done,  it is hard to take. 

On the issue of health reform, Obama is also being abandoned by many in the media and public who know little of what they are talking about and nit pick the poor President to death.