Monday, November 30, 2009


It's hard to say why the Cowles family keeps Doug Clark as court jester.  A recent letters section of the paper had two sharp complaints for that fool's attack on serious attempts to clean up our river.   I wish they would print more, though I've nearly despaired of ever  ridding the paper  of this idiotHis attacks on the police and the city government are not funny nor helpful.  One of the letters I refer to above mentions the issue of human lives at stake from the river pollution.  That could also be true in regard to the police.  I doubt Spokane harbors a worst citizen not behind bars than Douglas Clark.  If that is even his real name.  Finally, his columns firmly establish that there is no one in the city that loves himself more.

Monday, November 09, 2009


 I heard a recent interview on the radio where Mayor Verner promised to reach out to the organizers of Prop. 4 and remedy the misinformation with which they have been burdened.   By so doing she hoped she and they, working together, might reach some worthy shared goals.  Bravo!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


Now that Prop. 4 has been smashed, I hope that that important segment of Spokane's progressive community which worked on the thing can turn their attention to some doable things that really matter and make sense.   How about an elected park board and elected planning commission?  Or better yet, picked by lot.  How about an independent police commission?  How about electing some freeholders to rewrite the city charter?  How about overhauling the neighborhood council system to make it democratic?

If Snyder's slim lead holds up, Spokane will have the most progressive council ever, at least on the green front.  This opens a slew of lobbying possibilities for the left.