Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It seems everyone wants to talk about a to-do list. I say he should first adopt at least the following two of my essential principles of governance: Realize that you almost always need to select the lesser of evils and you should keep one foot in the ore body.

Among the first tier of items should be the resurrection of a war on poverty. I mean the type of war conducted by FDR and LBJ. Turn the factories over to the workers, under quasi-public control if necessary. Go to court to force corporations to comply with their charters as to the public interest.

Another issue to consider very carefully is this: Where do professional economists fit into the current debacle? Any who were getting paid to forecast and missed the mark should be banished from any public work or testimony.

Aside from satisfying certain administrative needs, the legitimate government has only two missions: See that society is just and provide for the common defense.

The capitalist system can not be allowed to kill itself with its greed, as it is now trying to do. It is set up to take too many innocents with it. It needs to be revived to the point where as many as possible are temporarily safe and then sentenced to permanent banishment.

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