Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Yes.  Liz Moore, PJALS spokeswoman, accuses our city of attempting a ruse, defined in the dictionary as a wily subterfuge.   But it seems the mayor and all were not wily enough.  They've been caught. 

The impression I get from Moore and others who spoke at her press conferences is that the police are on a rampage.  And why aren't they being sued, reported to the Prosecutor, the Mayor, the  Governor, or the FBI?  Because everyone is afraid of retaliation.  Or so some say.  But everything will just be dandy, they claim, if we  only create an ombudsman position with independent investigatory powers.  Of course, they have already hinted that it also could be necessary for them to pick the ombudsman.

Down the road I believe there will be an ombudsman with independent investigatory powers.  And it will likely be a good thing.  But please, let us get there without killing so much good will.  The city council, administration, and police force are not packed with bad people.  If this tool is needed it can be gotten to with a reasonable lobbying efforts; i.e., by sticking to the facts and making compelling arguments.  Name calling and finger pointing do not impress me.  It reminds me too much of Joe McCarthy.

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