Tuesday, May 20, 2008


On the police tape of the anarchist uprising in the park we hear policemen wishing they could punch out the protesters. At least, that is one impression a person could get. Why doesn't the city aggressively pursue this little detail ? If after a public investigation the police are cleared, good. But if they are truly expressing public contempt for the protesters and a wish to do them harm outside the law, fire them. We do not want a city police force of this type.

I do not think it tolerable to trust the a Chief of Police to see that the force be limited to men and women who understand the rights we are all entitled to. And Mayor Verner is not much help with her remark that she believes the police acted properly on that infamous day. I choose to believe she knows better and is speaking in a political survival mode. I could be wrong and it could be worse.

An ombudsman is not the answer. An elected or randomly selected independent committee of citizens is required to run the police department. Instead of a chief there would be an executive director of the committee.

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