It's about time for some random thoughts on those contenders for this country's top job: Obama, McCain, and the Clintons. The Clintons? Yes, no one should doubt we are looking at the possibility of a co-presidency at least as entangled as Bush/Cheney, even if in a different way.
First, note all are senators, a fact that serves to save each since senators don't usually win. So that's sort of a plus and a minus. Another plus and minus factor is Obama's inexperience. A new face picks up points in tough times. But his enemies are on to something if they can paint him as a naive child in the manner of Stevenson and McGovern
It gives a little insight to remember Hillary worked on two of the most unsuccessful campaigns in history, that of Goldwater and of McGovern. I believe that that and the fact that Bill and her were under such vicious personal attacks from the right while in office have been enough to turn her into such a frantic figure. She reeks of panic and behaves like a cornered junk yard dog.
I still believe what I said over a year ago. McCain is the most dangerous man in America. I say this because many citizens see him as the embodiment of the American Ideal: war hero, straight shooter, reliable pal. jovial maverick, strict with the wrong doer. All of this is a self constructed pile of bull and has been proven as such in a recent book, but who reads. I see McCain potentially to be as dangerous as Hitler was, even though they are very different from each other. But Germany of the twenties and thirties was also quite different from the present America. I'm afraid McCain fits America in the same dangerous way Hitler fit Germany.
I find Obama fascinating. I knew nothing about him before this campaign. He is unique in the way he calls for radical change yet has hopes of developing a coalition. His overall rationality and his equanimity in the face of the gutter tactics hurled his way are two attractive traits.
It bothers me that all three profess to believe in God. And though I don't believe that Hillary or Bill really do, that still is not enough for them to win me over. It scares the hell out of me to know that McCain's admiral dad prayed on his knees every night and morning for at least one hour. What's that about the acorn not falling far from the tree?
I've had a lot of personal experience with dementia and I can tell you it doesn't happen overnight. McCain shows tendencies. And what about this: Say, McCain begins to show obvious signs of further derangement during the campaign. Would Bush persuade Congress to postpone the election until the Republicans could drum up a mentally fit candidate? It may start as a short delay and then drift into what we see Mobuto pulling off. I know, it sounds farfetched to me too. But Gore Vidal is going around talking about some such scenario. He sees a motive in the fear Cheney and gang have that they may end up in the hoosegow if the Republicans don't win.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Pennsylvania carpetbaggers have landed in Spokane. They actually landed a few years ago, to begin their work of rounding up acolytes, but now they are about to go public in a major way. The mother ship is called the The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund ( and is based in Pennsylvania.
These folks consider the federal constitution to be archaic and want to do something about it. Spokane has been singled out as their next big step after several successes in smaller ponds. They want to eventually court test the notion that "home rule" city charters rule over federal and state laws. And for reasons only their inner circle knows Spokane has been chosen as a likely guinea pig. .
It is ironic that lawyers are behind this movement. Usually a Tim Eyman type suffices. And by the way, much of what is wrong about Eyman's onslaught lurks here. It appears that celdf has lost some environmental cases and concluded that the "law" was just not on their side, nor were lawmakers. What to do? Hey, dynamite the law and rewrite the Constitution to give rights to nature, among other things.
The ongoing strategy is not shabby. First, indoctrination camps - called Democracy Schools - are held. From these camps there comes the "demand" from the students to do something about evil corporations and their supporting laws. Surprise, surprise! At the present time a Spokane Board has been formed to come up with a list of amendments, or maybe a proposal for a whole new charter. The cheerleaders on the Board and many of those on the sidelines are quite enthused about buying this pig in a poke. Or if it's not a pig in a poke, are they not simply puppets fronting for a preconceived set of amendments?
By the way, who is on this Board? Not independent citizens but representatives from organizations such as churches (churches?), labor unions, neighborhood councils, the ACLU , PJALS, and so forth. Not a very democratic list. Of course, a carrot is being held out to these groups in the form of the idea that here's your chance to get all grievances taken care in one revolutionary swoop, without the messy technique of each having to lobby, campaign, or sue. Whoever controls the charter controls the city.
Much of the celdf strategy is meant to give a grass roots appearance to the process. But face it, the agenda has been set. Stay tuned. This is only an alert. There is much more to come.
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