Thursday, August 23, 2007


Remember that 80 years ago today Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, two immigrant anarchists who loved the America of Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine, were unjustly executed by the state of Massachusetts. I am nearly certain they were both innocent. But the ideals and opinions of those who say that they were do not fall upon the guilt of the two anarchists, though those ideals and opinions do soar upon the fact of their innocence. It is in this circumstance that one can see the rot of which we must rid this country.

The judge, the jury, the prosecutor, and much of the public wanted to see these two draft-dodging, Italian immigrant, atheistic anarchists slain - evidence and justice be damned. And this is what they got, in the hope that the execution would send a warning to all such men and women, and so save the country for the "good" people. Well, two years later the capitalist economy came crashing down, and not much later we were plunged into a horrific war, neither the doings of anarchists or immigrants, but of the capitalists themselves.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


The most brilliant men and women who were ever born are now with us. They comprehend the most complex material facts of the universe. Their individual brains are full to capacity and so they must work in teams, further multiplying their brilliance. Yet, we have a much larger horde of the dumbest bastards who were ever born and raised running rampant and threatening our existence. What a tragedy!

It is not simply pathetic education, though there's plenty of that. The American southern black was educated in sub par schools for years, yet he was smart enough to know it and to do something about it. The modern moron does not want to know the truth. He is too busy with booze, drugs, sex, religion, mindless travel, kissing his boss's butt, gaming, gambling, and making money - all things which take no serious thinking.

This trend was underway, as I see it, soon after the traumatic last world war, which was also not far from the end of a terrible economic depression. Brains were affected. We can see evidence for this in the political victories of DDE, first over Robert Taft and then over Adlai Stevenson. I'm not even saying here that Eisenhower was a bad President, but he was much dumber than his opponents. And many, many American voters admired that.

How is being deliberately dumb harmful? I'll let you know in part II.